
Madame Rose Mobile Creperie was born with the passion of Stephen Maldonado wanting to have an excellent creperie on Staten Island. During the time Stephen, and his father Juan were looking for an actual storefront to open up, they were also working on a skoolie conversion for Peter and Roshan. A full size school bus was being transformed into an off-grid home on wheels. After Roshan brought up the idea of implementing the idea on a food truck, Juan and Roshan were able to find another, bigger full size school bus right outside of Staten Island. Thinking of different ways to design it one night, Peter brought up how crazy it would be to paint the entire bus pink and make it look photogenic. And that’s exactly what they did. Dessert on Wheels! 


Staten Islander turns former school bus into mobile restaurant

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y.– A new restaurant on the North Shore promises uniquely flavored crepes, bubble tea, and enough pink decor to make Elle Woods blush.

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55 Richmond Terrace Staten Island, NY 10301

Private Parties


Open Hours


10:00 AM - 9:00 PM 

Friday & Saturday

 10.00 AM - 11:00 PM